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Wing Commander IV: The Price of Freedom Free Download PC Game

You will download the Wing Commander IV: The Price of Freedom game without any trouble from this site. This video game has quickly gained the top rank in its Simulator category. Most users know that this video game was launched on Dec 01, 1995 date.

Wing Commander IV: The Price of Freedom Overview

Game: Wing Commander IV: The Price of Freedom
Genre: Simulator
Developer: Electronic Arts
Publisher: Origin Systems
Released on: Dec 01, 1995
Platforms: PC (Microsoft Windows), PlayStation, PlayStation 3, PC DOS, Mac
Age Ratings: Teen (PEGI 7)
Score: 9.1 out of 10
Languages: English, German, Russian, Spanish, Bulgarian
Player’s Perspectives: First person
Game Modes: Single player
Themes: Science fiction

About Wing Commander IV: The Price of Freedom

Wing Commander IV: The Price of Freedom is the newest game to gain a decent rating from the users. Regular players have rewarded this video game with 93.68 out of 100 ratings. Its performance improved on PCs with the release of the new updates on Apr 17, 2019 date.

The year is 2673, four years after the Treaty of Torgo and the end of the Kilrathi War. As hostilities died out, more trivial concerns like rebuilding what was lost or dealing with space piracy, became the biggest concerns of the Terran Confederation. Even Christopher “Maverick” Blair, the famous Confed pilot responsible for ending the war, settled down and became a farmer.

In these times of peace, humans grew fat and complacent. All good things must end, though. Soon enough, heinous incidents erupted on the outskirts of the Confederation, and humanity was forced to the brink of civil war.

Confed HQ needed the best and decided to recall Colonel Blair to active duty. This is where you come in.

Wing Commander 4 is one of the greatest space sims of all time, and some even consider it the greatest one of all.

It is one of those games that did everything right. This is one of the few games that actually successfully manages to integrate a lot of FMV into the action, mostly because it uses trained film actors and directors. The combat is straightforward, fluid, and entertaining.

The characters are as believable and memorable as they come. The orchestrated music — just perfect. Finally, its enthralling story is both deep and plausible — a combination that is often lost in modern games.

There is simply no reason not to play this game and, once you do start playing, you will find it hard to think of a reason why you should stop.

All the regular users have offered top ratings to this Science fiction-themed video game. More than 17981 users have admired this PC game for its flawless performance on all types of PCs.

This game offers the gameplay in both FPP and TPP modes. This video game got all its reviews from more than 18469 users.

Hence it is a newly launched game; it only got 3829 social media followers. The studio surprised all fans by releasing this PC game on Dec 01, 1995 date.

It’s a thrilling action game and 4288 average users have rewarded it with top ratings. Being an Simulator category game, this one got much better ratings than its competitor games.

Do you prefer single-player mode? Try this wonderful PC game right now!

You need to buy a laptop that uses the PC (Microsoft Windows), PlayStation, PlayStation 3, PC DOS, Mac platforms to play this PC game.

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Download Wing Commander IV: The Price of Freedom for PC

Game Name: Wing Commander IV: The Price of Freedom

Supported Platforms: Windows 7, 8, 8.1, 10

Languages: ENG, FR, PL, IT, DE, RU

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Recommended Requirements

How to Download Wing Commander IV: The Price of Freedom on PC?

To Download and Install Wing Commander IV: The Price of Freedom on PC, You need some Instructions to follow here. You don't need any Torrent ISO since it is game installer. Below are some steps, Go through it to Install and play the game.

  1. First Click on "Download Game" button above.
  2. Download "Wing Commander IV: The Price of Freedom .msi Installer" to your PC.
  3. Open the Installer, Click "Next" and Install.
  4. Now open Wing Commander IV: The Price of Freedom game installer from desktop.
  5. Follow all Instructions and download the game (It can take time).
  6. It will now start game Installation.
  7. Open "Wing Commander IV: The Price of Freedom Game" and play.
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