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Aura Shift Download Full PC Game

You are at the right place if seeking Aura Shift PC game. This PC game is performing way better than other games in the Indie category. The publishers had chosen Feb 01, 2018 date to release this entertaining PC game.

Aura Shift Overview

Game: Aura Shift
Genre: Indie
Ratings: 97.18
Followers: 10262+ users
Released on: Feb 01, 2018
Platforms: Microsoft Windows
Age Ratings: Teen (PEGI 3)
Score: 7.6 out of 10
Languages: English, Russian, Roman, Italian, French
Countries: Canada, Russia
Game Modes: Single player
Themes: Action

About Aura Shift

The Aura Shift PC game is already drawing many streamers, who like competitive gameplay. It took just a few years to attract millions of users and 1339 number of users believe it’s the best. This video game a bit different from previous installments of the series due to the Action theme.

You’re a chubby fairy and hordes of monsters are trying to eat you In Aura Shift the psychedelic action never stops

This video game was released on Feb 01, 2018 and it is still one of the finest to play on the PC.

Platforms, such as Microsoft Windows, offer a great support to run this entertaining game. It is a unique game with unique features and that’s why it got 95.19 out of 100 average ratings.

You can switch your gameplay perspective from FPP to TPP with a push of a button in this game. It gained positive reviews from 3730 number of users.

It got a moderate response from 1467 users, who participated to assess and rate this game.

It’s a top-ranked PC game and it is about Indie. The last updates came on Jun 15, 2020, which thoroughly improved the performance of this game.

Also See: Tiny Tycoons Full PC Game Download

Download Aura Shift for PC

Game Name: Aura Shift

Supported Platforms: Windows 7, 8, 8.1, 10

Languages: ENG, FR, PL, IT, DE, RU

Check out: GuJian Free Download PC Game

Recommended Requirements

How to Download Aura Shift on PC?

To Download and Install Aura Shift on PC, You need some Instructions to follow here. You don't need any Torrent ISO since it is game installer. Below are some steps, Go through it to Install and play the game.

  1. First Click on "Download Game" button above.
  2. Download "Aura Shift .msi Installer" to your PC.
  3. Open the Installer, Click "Next" and Install.
  4. Now open Aura Shift game installer from desktop.
  5. Follow all Instructions and download the game (It can take time).
  6. It will now start game Installation.
  7. Open "Aura Shift Game" and play.
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